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The Triskaidekaphobics: How Three Teenagers Stopped the Construction of an Apartment Complex

When Fear Unites: A Story of Friendship and Resilience

Ava, Ben, and Clara met in their English class. They were all assigned to the same group project, and they quickly bonded over their shared fear of the number 13. They started calling themselves the "Triskaidekaphobics," and they would often meet up to talk about their fears.

One day, the Triskaidekaphobics were walking home from school when they saw a sign for a new apartment complex that was being built. The sign said that the complex would have 13 floors. Ava, Ben, and Clara were all horrified. They couldn't believe that someone would build an apartment complex with 13 floors.

The Triskaidekaphobics decided to do something about it. They started a petition to stop the construction of the apartment complex. They also went door-to-door to talk to people about their concerns.

After a few weeks, the Triskaidekaphobics' petition had over 1,000 signatures. The construction of the apartment complex was stopped, and Ava, Ben, and Clara were hailed as heroes.

The Triskaidekaphobics' friendship grew even stronger after their victory. They realised that they could overcome anything if they worked together. They also learned that it is okay to be afraid, as long as you don't let your fear control you.

The Triskaidekaphobics continued to meet up after they graduated from high school. They went to college together, and they even got jobs in the same city. They are still best friends today, and they still have a fear of the number 13. But they have also learned to live with their fear, and they no longer let it control their lives.